On 2/25/15 we had a really cool meetup on hand-drawn maps. This session was led by local artist & architect Ann Armstrong, one of the collaborators of the Austin’s Atlas project. We had a total of 25 attendees, making this one of our largest sessions to date.
Ann guided the group through three different mapping prompts: mapping your daily commute, mapping your childhood home, and mapping Austin’s downtown alleys. The third prompt was an especially cool exercise where the group broke up into small groups to explore and map nearby alleys. Alleyways are often forgotten and nameless areas, but they each can hold their own interesting secrets and characteristics. Here are scans of the maps we created: http://issuu.com/austinsatlas/docs/atlasissuumaptime
Photos from the meetup can be seen at http://www.meetup.com/MaptimeATX/photos/25942290/.
Thanks to MakerSquare for hosting!